Frederick A. Binkholder, Artistic Director


The Capitol Hill Chorale is a wonderful group of people dedicated to bringing high quality musical performances to the Hill and the Greater Washington area. Our diverse repertoire includes everything from medieval chant, to Classical masters, to jazz standards. We've premiered commissioned pieces by new and well-established American composers and shined a new light on lost pieces from Eastern Europe.

Auditions are primarily held in August and December. Follow us on Facebook to be notified of upcoming opportunities.

When is the next audition and how do I sign up?

Auditions are usually held in August and December. We will post an audition schedule in the events section and on our Facebook page. Sign up through our audition request form now!

What to expect:

Auditions are usually held at Lutheran Church of the Reformation*, 212 E. Capitol, which is located on East Capitol Street between 2nd and 3rd Sts NE. Parking is usually available after 6:30 p.m. in the Supreme Court parking lot on A Street, NE, between 2nd and 3rd. You can then walk across the street and up one of the two alleys to the rear of the church. The steps down to the Parish Hall are off the small church parking lot.

By Metro, the church is also equal distance between Capitol South on the Blue/Orange line and Union Station on the Red line. It is about a 15-20 minute walk from the stations to the church.

If you come to the church from East Capitol Street, walk through the gate and down the right side to the back, and you will see the steps down to the Parish Hall on your left.

The audition, which runs between 10-15 minutes, consists of a little vocalizing, some pitch-matching, rhythm counting, and sight-reading. You should have a reasonable ability to read music, understand intervals and complex rhythms, and interpret phrasing. The volume of music we work on for each concert means that there is really no time during rehearsal to play the notes for each section so sight-reading is a key skill.

You should be prepared to sing something for our director. You may bring along a piece of music or do it from memory. He may or may not ask to hear it, but best to be prepared. There will be no accompanist. Please plan to arrive about 10 minutes prior to your audition time to catch your breath and relax. You might also try to warm up before you come.

*Please refer to the confirmation email you receive from the audition coordinator for the exact date, time, and location of your audition.

I made it! What can I expect at rehearsals?

Rehearsals this concert cycle will primarily be in person at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 E. Capitol St., NE. A vocal workshop or extended rehearsal is scheduled for one or more Saturday afternoons in each concert cycle. Attendance at these rehearsals is required for all Chorale members. In addition, sectional or other optional rehearsals may be scheduled as needed throughout the season.

In addition to the planned rehearsal time, you can anticipate practicing on your own. Practice files are available for most pieces. Members are expected to practice on their own time outside of the 2 ½-hour weekly rehearsal. Each section may have a few outside sectional rehearsals.

What are my financial obligations? Is there assistance if I can't afford dues?

The Chorale relies on dues from its singers to cover a significant portion of its expenses. Dues and music are $300 annually, which may be paid in three installments of $100 each ($285 if paying for the full season). For singers on a limited income, scholarships are available, in return for which the Chorale requests the singer to provide a certain number of hours of volunteer help.

The Chorale also conducts fundraising activities throughout the year. As a member, you are encouraged to contribute financially or through time and effort. The Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and any contributions (beyond dues and music) are tax deductible.